Visualizer on previous rate cuts

    Posted by jamesfalken


    1. I did this for my own learning but figured I’d share it with you guys. Looks like we are on the brink of 2007/2008 to me but I’m fully regarded.

    2. The fact that the only bear market that we use to compare is 2008 says a lot. I doubt we will see a 2008 crash snytime soon but we can have a 20%-30% decline like 2 years ago. 2008 was a crisis not a simple recession. I am regarded 2 but that is my take

    3. You forgot one thing tho. This time is different. They didn’t have regard grandsons pumping grandmas life saving into regarded stocks like intc back then.

    4. Each cut had a reason. Which rate cut was because inflation was subsiding, unemployment was below 4.2% (considered full employment), GDP was positive for years and rates were recently raised to quell inflation?

    5. people on this sub think the stock market was invented in like 2005 and don’t bother looking back farther than 20 years. maybe check out the previous century to see how things differ over time

    6. We need to normalize banning people that want to talk instead of posting positions with their regarded opinions ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    7. So, what’s the discussion? Throwing some charts with stars in the middle aint no way to start a directed discussion. What’s you point OP?

      You yet another one of the clowns that say rate cuts always preceded and caused recessions? Or you have a more based theory because I’m tired of the same shit over and over again.

    8. Sonic_the_hedgehog42 on

      You should do a similar chart for this but during the mid 1990s. The FED did engineer a soft landing then.

      (Everyone always compares current events to 2007-2009 like that was a normal thing that happens every 10 years)

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