Anyone notice an uptick of claimants being absolutely insufferable recently?? Just these last couple weeks I’ve had several escalations to my sup because of these crappy claimants!!

    Been getting cussed out by claimants…..
    byu/Efficient_Raise inInsurance

    Posted by Efficient_Raise


    1. When I called into GEICO to ask why my rate went up so dramatically despite never having a claim or a ticket or anything negative—not even an accident that wasn’t my fault, literally nothing—I was told “You’re lucky it didn’t go up more!” and nothing else so I reckon things are pretty shitty on both sides.

    2. Just have to learn to deal with them better. I work in non standard with tons of coverage issues and non cooperative insureds and rarely ever have any escalations to my managers.

      You need to learn to deescalate the situation.

      Some people are just fucking nuts though.

    3. It’s a tragedy that there is no mandated insurance education to obtain a driver’s license or own a home. People freak out because they have no understanding of what they purchased.

    4. welllookwhoitis40 on

      I usually don’t have a problem but in the last two months I’ve gotten screamed at, called names, called a bully for the first time in my damn life. I also had my first referral for my coverage sent to SIU which ended up denying the entire property claim so I’ve been afraid it’s adjuster karma.

    5. RedLipStripeSweater on

      Yes but you need to control the conversation. I have 2 rules. No cursing at me and no yelling. I explain to each customer that I am here to help even listen to a rant if they want because I understand it’s frustrating but if you cross a boundary we may need to continue this conversation later today. you dont need to take verbal abuse. And at the end of the day I always remind them you are always welcomed to go through your own insurance.

    6. Neither-Historian227 on

      Absolutely, had 3 last month. Nothing will touch the anger, resentment and deaths threats I received for lockdowns and BI claims in 2020.

    7. How about suggesting to management not to increase rates when the vehicle is a year older and no driving offenses or accidents. Even with an extra 15% for mobile app and safe driving course, mine went up over $100 more. I’m polite, but I ain’t happy and I don’t want higher deductible.

    8. I’ll never forget when I had one so upset at me that she had shared liability she had her gangsta baby daddy start to look up my address on speaker phone. She got so pissed when I asked what she was bringing over to dinner lol

      On a side note I was very dissapointed that my supervisor didn’t do anything when I raised this concern. That’s how I knew it was time to get out the game even though I was like 2 months away from my 1 year and moving onto PIP or Commercial.

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