I own a building through a C corporation. I just received a letter from Morgan & Morgan about a slip and fall accident from June 6, 2024 at the entrance to the apartment building. I had no idea this happened. The letter told us no other information, but told us to preserve all evidence(videos, communications, documents etc.) However, our video camera only goes back 60 days. This incident was never reported to us. So we have zero evidence.

    Is this allowed, to be sued for something we were never made aware of? How do we know the plaintiff didn't make all this up? Maybe he staged it, took pictures and submitted to the lawyers? But we can't refute it obviously since we were never made aware of the "incident".

    I'm thinking the insurance company will settle. Ironically, they cancelled us the month after the incident due to renovations on the property that started recently.

    As a building owner, do I need cameras on every floor's hallway?

    Received a letter from lawyers about slip and fall accident 3 months after the event, but never even knew about it. Is this allowed?
    byu/mitchrusschels inInsurance

    Posted by mitchrusschels


    1. Happens all the time. Report the claim to the insurance carrier you had at the time of the alleged incident and let them handle it.

    2. Definitely check with your insurance company about this. They should guide you through it. As for cameras, having them can help protect you and your property in the future. 

    3. Yes get cameras at every entrance. Depending on your state and statutes, it may be hard to prove unless the claimant has witnesses/video/pictures. I handle general liability claims and it’s very hard for any attorney to prove Shit without an incident report reported to the property on or close after the date of loss. Good luck

    4. ApprehensiveFile3826 on

      Yes, it’s allowed to be sued without prior knowledge, but it’s crucial to document everything you can. Consider installing more comprehensive cameras to avoid similar issues in the future.

    5. Aromatic_Goat_7757 on

      It’s unusual to be sued for something you weren’t aware of. Check with your lawyer to understand your options and gather any possible evidence you can. Installing cameras on each floor could help in the future.

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