So long story short, mom got rear ended August 19th took State Farm over 2 weeks to claim liability, I’d been driving her to work and back but couldn’t anymore, everyone advised us to go through our insurance via geico and now geico deemed the car a total loss, however by that time state farm claimed liability(basically same week) now geico is only paying out $5k and damages take about that much however my parents haven’t gotten the care damage evaluated through state farm yet. My mom’s rental through our insurance expires the 19th sept and I’m gonna have to drive her around again while they get the car fixed. HOWEVER, both claims are still not finalized. Is there any reason that maybe they should still get state farm to evaluate the car and maybe get a rental through them anyways, maybe state farm would even pay for repairs? We haven’t taken any money or payouts yet, nothing is finalized (mostly cuz my dad couldn’t find the title and they(geico) require a copy to process it) the car is a 2013 Lexus rx350 w almost 200k miles on it(partly the reason they “total lost”’ed the car) it has mostly simple repairs, vanity bumper, blind spot monitoring sensors, a stretching of the frame and 1 part of the frame in the back needs to be replaced which is a $100-140 part(I looked that up), so in reality without labor it’d cost $1-2k honestly, and btw everyone’s tryna rip us off.pls for the love of god help. Idk what to do, and I don’t want my parents screwed from this situation. My theory was that state farm would just front the money for repairs because they couldn’t wanna pay out the pre-accident totaled car $$ which is actually $10,040(evaluation done by insurance professionals that accidentally shared documents w/ me that they weren’t “supposed to” lol)

    State Farm vs Geico insurance claim PLSSS help.
    byu/Alone_andScared inInsurance

    Posted by Alone_andScared


    1. Aggravating-Tiger606 on

      My advice would be to keep pushing State Farm to evaluate the car and see if they’ll cover the repairs. Even though Geico deemed it a total loss, State Farm may see it differently since they already accepted liability. I’d also ask State Farm about a rental car while it gets fixed.

    2. Oh the grammar… I just can’t. Post a pic, 10 yr old car with 200k mile is more times than not a total.

    3. Sorry but that’s going to be totaled, even by SF. 

      Explain your evaluation “done by insurance professionals” that was “accidentally shared” with you please, because that doesn’t make sense. Geico isn’t going to give you only 5k for your car that’s worth 10k. 

    4. It sounds like the other party only has $5,000 property damage limits, so that’s all the other insurance company could pay you.

      They didn’t accidently send your some secret document. They had to do a valuation and they can only pay you up to the limit their insured paid for.

    5. Regardless of which company you go thru if you keep the car after it’s declared a total loss you get a much lesser pay out (because you kept the car in lieu of a full total loss payment), your repairs are NOT paid for and you won’t have rental coverage.

      Btw State Farm uses CCC so your outcome will very much be similar. Pick your poison. 🤷

    6. Personally I would simplify this process by continuing to press forward with using their own insurance coverage, and letting Geico subrogate the claim with State Farm. Don’t try to deal with two insurance companies at one time.

      This is an 11 year old car, needing $2k in parts, with possible frame damage. I assume they have not yet begun the take the car apart, which will possibly reveal more damage. The cost of labor is going to drive this estimate much higher, plus the time waiting for repairs to be completed. To me this feels like a no-brainer, take the total loss pay out. They could be driving a new car within a week, or sooner if they have savings they can borrow from while the paperwork is processed.

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