I have some Amazon stock in my Roth. I sold a covered call for 185. On the day of its expiration, it was at 186.

    I considered what would happen if I rolled the option a week (buy to close and sell to open 185 a week out). Expecting it to cost me money (I wanted to see what it would cost to keep the shares and hope volatility came out in my favor), I was surprised to see that I would get to collect another premium.

    What happened here? Was this an anomaly? If not, why wouldn't you continuously roll the option to collect more premiums? I feel like I must be missing something substantial.

    rolling an option to get a second premium
    byu/xmlmx inoptions

    Posted by xmlmx


    1. The two factors you’re balancing are time value vs intrinsic value.  The intrinsic value of the first call was ~1.00 because of the difference between the strike and the underlying price, while the second option was zero intrinsic value but had time value worth more than 1.00.  So you traded the less valuable call for the more valuable call and collected a credit in the process.

      Time value is made up of two components: the actual time to expiration, and the likelihood of a large move – which is called “implied volatility”.  If an option expires tomorrow then obviously it’s not as useful as one that expires in a month given that you can choose when to exercise it.  And if a stock was frozen in place then an option would be stupid to buy because there is no possibility that it will change and cross the strike.

      Rolling up and out is a perfectly viable strategy to deal with upcoming ITM expiration.  Sometimes you will collect a credit other times you will pay a debit.  In all cases you will give up additional time during which you cannot sell a call against your stock.  Additional time when the stock could move further in the direction that favors your call buyer.

    2. It was kind of an anomaly that you didn’t get assigned if the price was 186 at close. You sure it was? Just being 186 on expiration day doesn’t mean much. What counts is the price at close.

      Anyway, what you saw with the roll isn’t abnormal and in fact is exactly what traders using the wheel strategy are aiming for. Yes, you continuously aim to roll for a credit until you get assigned, and then you switch to selling cash secured puts on the same ticker. And then when you get assigned on the puts, you go back to covered calls again. Hence the name “wheel.”

      EDIT: Fixed typos mixing up 186 and 156.

    3. pointme2_profits on

      Forget the term rolling. Amd just consider it your closing a odte cheap option. And selling a new longer term option. It’s not any magical answer for all the reasons nothing is. Price goes up, price goes down. That price isn’t necessarily in your favor. This week it was. Next week maybe not.

    4. Rolling a slightly ITM call up and out for a credit is fairly common. Your 0DTE call lost the majority of theta. By rolling you’re selling more theta. Many times I roll them up and out rather than sideways unless you have reason to believe the underlying will drop. Rolling for a small .05cr is common. If you chose same strike, you got more premium but still risk going deep itm. Once you’re really deep, that’s where it’ll cost you.

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