So recently I crazy enough had my car get hit 2 times in the past week. The first time was in a parking lot and we decided to settle outside of insurance and the second time someone rear-ended me and so we are going through his insurance. I honestly was planning on getting a new car after the first person and I agreed to just settle outside of insurance. So now, if the second person's insurance doesn't total my car, can I just ask for a cash payment instead of getting the car fixed? I am thinking that I will just use the money I settled for with the first person and whatever the insurance company of the second person gives me and put it all towards a down payment on a new car.

    With this, what should I say to the insurance company to tell them I would rather cash instead of getting it fixed? Also will they just cut me a check for how much the repairs cost or will it be a smaller amount than that?

    Can I ask for cash instead of fixing my car?
    byu/hannakah_ham inInsurance

    Posted by hannakah_ham

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