went from 826.30 to 979.50 (increase of 153.20) for six months so just under 20% for 6 months. That's for 5 drivers and 3 cars (2 hondas, 2000, 2014 and 1 lexus, 2007). only liability. In NY. I can live with that 🙂

    I wanted to post this b/c often you only hear posts about big increases so I was ofc worried.

    just added my 16YO daughter to my geico insurance and the rates
    byu/wpl200 inInsurance

    Posted by wpl200


    1. The reason yours is reasonable is liability only. Full coverage would make you very poor with a 16 year old. Glad it’s reasonable.

    2. When there are more drivers than cars the youthful add is usually not that bad, especially with liability only. when there are an equal number of cars and drivers which make the youthful operator a principal operator that is what drive the rates to insane levels. and of course collision and comprehensive. I’m glad it worked out well for you and the reason I’m elaborating is to let others know that this is not strictly a Geico thing. I have nothing against Geico.

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