I was at a red light and a car rear ended me hard enough to push my car forward a bit. She was very nice, admitted fault (said she was zipping her rain jacket and not looking), and provided me with all her info. We pulled into a gas station where cops already were dealing with something else, and the cop we talked to said if there’s no visible damage/it’s less than $1,000, we don’t need to file a police report, so we didn’t.

    I’ve read on here a number of things that confuse me, so have a few questions:

    -even if there isn’t any visible damage to the bumper, I have read that there could be damage underneath. Should I get it inspected and then file a claim or call insurance and have them involved all along?

    -I’m in NC and worried that my insurance points will go up even though I’m not at fault. Is this true that this happens sometimes? I have Cincinnati Insurance.

    -my gut is to not file a claim as I truly don’t think my car has damage and I don’t want to deal with the hassle, but I’m also worried that this person could go and file a bogus claim against me, so is it possible to tell insurance what happened so it’s on the record even if my car doesn’t need any repairs? Her car also looked fine and didn’t seem to have any scrapes or dents.

    Thanks in advance for your guidance!

    Rear ended, no visible damage, should I report to insurance?
    byu/Latter-Froyo-561 inInsurance

    Posted by Latter-Froyo-561


    1. Kitchen-Historian711 on

      Claims adjuster here from northeast US. I wouldn’t file the claim through my own insurance. If you have the insurance of the other driver you can put a claim through her insurance. Get an inspection (virtual preferably) and take the payout.

      If you notice any problems down the line you have a claim already in place that documents the damages from this incident.

      Edit; as for her filing a claim against you— I think that’s highly unlikely because accident was minor w minimal if any damages no police were involved and she amicably provided her insurance info.

      Good luck!

    2. Medical_Yak_1599 on

      I’d report it just to be safe. Even if there’s no visible damage, something underneath could be messed up. Better to have it on record now than regret it later

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