Hey, at least I'm a one percenter in some regard. Do I belong here?!? 🤷


    Posted by Infamous-Mud1795


    1. LowCryptographer9047 on

      Man, WSB did it again. I have seen a guy bet on his student loans, Nana’s money, now Wedding fund. Gosh

    2. I mean I’d tell her and ask for her paycheck and then yolo it all on a 0dte if she agrees she’s the one .

    3. Im your soon-to-be wife boyfriend. I’ll spot you until next margin call; first born must be named after me tho

    4. You just have her more time to think and figure out you are highly regarded. Her next first date question is “what color is your portfolio?”

    5. Candlelight_Fant4sia on

      Wasn’t there a recent post from your fiance, where she put all her savings into INTC just before earnings?


    6. Just marry her now on paper so you can legally make your money back using her funds. You can always just do marriage ceremony shit later.

    7. -21k; 1st oopsie.

      delaying the wedding; 2nd oopsie. tie the knot now & gain access to her saving & paychecks.

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