was involved in a car accident while pulling onto a street, accelerating to match the speed limit. A car pulled out of a driveway, and I couldn’t stop in time, causing a collision. Their view was obstructed by parked cars on the side of the road And they didn’t see me coming most likely. They didn’t stop at the scene but pulled into a nearby parking lot where we took photos. My insurance believes I’m not at fault, but the other driver might claim they were rear-ended. Looking for opinions on who’s at fault.

    Who’s at fault?
    byu/NewOpportunity7518 inInsurance

    Posted by NewOpportunity7518


    1. There is shared fault and only the insurance will determine. It is partly your job as a driver to be aware of your surroundings. From what you described you turned onto a street and accelerated into someone who was in the process of reversing. Just be honest with your insurance and invest in a dash cam they are under $100 and you would have video proof of what occurred. Learned that after my first accident at a round about.

    2. RelevantShoulder1173 on

      Just make sure to gather all the evidence you can, like photos and witness statements. Keep in touch with your insurance, they can help clarify things. Stay positive, and it’ll work out.

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