Call me LUNR MAN

    Posted by 3CB2


    1. How the fuck were you holding all these out of the money options, up to the day they were about to expire worthless.
      Edit: Oops, im blind, it says they were for 12/20/2024. Am regarded

    2. This guy gone to the Moon, congrats.

      I’m stupid and didn’t buy back when it was at $4, still holding 50 shares at $10

    3. Who put a gun to your head and made you put 160k+ in options down goodness. Good job sell some for dinner tonight at least.

    4. damn I was a little bitch and sold shares when I should of held. Damn it. Nice conviction OP nice.

    5. 175k in options on a smaller company.. you sir have the biggest balls and luck in all regardtown. Holy Jesus. Congrats and fu 🥲 don’t let it go to waste!

    6. One_Kaleidoscope_611 on

      holy shit man. Congrats! I just had 100 shares at 4 bucks and sold last night. Taking profits. Will rebuy when it drops back down.

    7. got 500 shares at 5.19 (still not comfortable with options)

      Sell while it’s up, or will it maintain this new level?

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