I bought a few puts expecting the rate news to be “buy the rumor ..sell the news” and the potato is now steaming hot … what are the chances of me coming out in green ?


    Posted by Naive-Tone-4542


    1. what’s astonishingly disturbing is it was completely flat yesterday then today like a badly scripted tv show it shoots up 8% – it was literally like 0.01% yest.

    2. MrForever_Alone69 on

      My man you need the BoJ to rise 15bps or you know for the market to have an irrational rant and drop out of nowhere ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    3. ElonMusksAlgorithm on

      Never buy puts expiring same week. Essentially you are handing money directly to JPM every time you do.

    4. You can’t do anything about it now, but if you check out SPY’s chart, the last two times when it looked as if we were starting a new leg up (July 16 and August 30), both got a surprising gap down the next day.

      And hey, tomorrow, we have Triple Witching.

      Both situations made me cautious on the long side. It seems too frothy.
      HOWEVER, I didn’t open 0DTE puts.

      e: I’m not saying I agree with your play, but I’m giving you something to wish upon a shooting star.

    5. Warren Buffer: “interest rates works as gravity on stocks, the higher it goes the lower the stocks go”
      WSB: inverse that regard

    6. IntolerantModerate on

      You can sell now and lock in the losses, or you can double down and double the losses, or ride it out and ride the value to zero. Either way, I’ll see you behind Wendy’s.

    7. SPY closed green on 8 of the last 9 trading days and mooned more than 4%-5% in a week. This trajectory isn’t sustainable and a decent sized pullback is needed to continue this bull run. Your 567+ puts might be safe. Can’t say the same about the others.

    8. Bank of Japan going to raise rates in about 3.5 hours, then we’re going to get a nice pullback in our market tomorrow.

      You’ll come out good but I’m going to still take a hard haircut on my puts (they were long)

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