Lost about all my savings honestly numb. Don’t feel like eating 10/10 don’t recommend


    Posted by JazzlikeDisplay602


    1. SnooMarzipans902 on

      Your net worth is not your self worth.

      Chin up champ, even Bezos couldn’t please his wife with billions.

      Money is nice, but it’s sure as hell ain’t everything

    2. HammondEggersM60 on

      Take some time, reflect…and go charge your phone. There’s still time to lose more money

    3. How are people this bad. Just fucking buy tqqq and sell covered calls. It is actually and literally idiot proof.

    4. I’ve lost all my money so many times! The first time is the hardest. But if you are consistent and don’t give up, you’ll grow in wisdom and learn what not to do and have the patience to wait for your entry. My two cents when it comes to options because that’s what it looks like you’ve done: extend your time horizon, do at the money or in the money plays, and watch most of the time without being in a play. I usually watch and wait and strike only when I’m extremely confident in a position, then exit and pull cash! Then I buy shares and sit on my hands and wait for the next move.

    5. It’s uncanny how that little pop = hook line and sinker. Think of it as paying your dues. Good luck🍻

    6. do proper risk management and keep pushing and stop looking at your bank account because that causes your emotions to trigger

    7. Landslide_Micro on

      Btw 20,000 can give you about 1000 before tax annually if you had parked that money in 5% short term t bill

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