So, my car got hit when I was making a left turn by an oncoming car making a right turn. I'm pretty sure she was at fault, as she turned into my lane. This is my first time being in an accident, so I panicked and didn’t take a picture of her license plate. She was very uncooperative, told me it was my fault, and told me to stay away from her. As a result, I wasn’t able to get her insurance information either.

    This is a new car I bought exactly a year ago, so I really want to do something about this. However, I’m not from the US, and I’m unsure how the insurance works if I report it. My insurance is already ridiculously expensive, and I don’t want it to go up even more if I report this claim. Is there any suggestion? Thank you guys so so much.

    Here is my dashcam:

    Here is the picture of the scratch:

    Car got hit, should I file a claim?
    byu/sk_0808 inInsurance

    Posted by sk_0808

    1 Comment

    1. Accomplished_Pea6334 on

      Did you get her license plate info? She clearly looks at fault for merging into your lane.

      I would report her to your insurance and let them do their job.

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