I have full coverage. I was going too fast on a corner on a rainy day spun out and hit and went over the curb i broke the axle on the rear side so basically the tire is pointing inwards if that makes sense and front bumper kinda broke just the clips broke its a 2008 car and the tow guy said its probably a right off is there anything i should tell the insurance company that would be helpful or what not to say any tips will help

    Crashed my car hard into a curb what should i tell insurance
    byu/realZabbala inInsurance

    Posted by realZabbala


    1. Electronic-Theme-225 on

      There’s a decent chance they’ll total the car. Which means they’ll give you a check for the actual value of the car. I would highly suggest not lying to insurance as they vested interest in the truth and employ many specialists to investigate claims.

    2. Tell them what happened. If you have collation coverage, you’re covered. For a 2008 car with that kind of damage, they are likely to declare it a total loss and pay you the actual cash value of the car. Instead of fixing it.

      If you don’t have collision coverage, then your insurance will not respond to this claim other than to deny it.

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