hi! my car's transmission went out and a family i work for offered me their spare vehicle so i'd have reliable transportation while i save a little extra for the down payment on a new car instead of taking lyfts everywhere.
    basically as title says, yesterday i was driving and was stopped at a red light. we'd been sitting for a min waiting for the light to turn, and as soon as the light turned, the car behind me took off and hit the gas and rear-ended me before i could even move. she was freaking out and came up and apologized and said she dissociated and just went when the light turned green and wasn't paying attention. she gave me her insurance info and phone number, i gave her the insurance info of the car.
    even tho it isn't my car and i wasn't at fault, will the damage still be covered by her insurance?

    i got rear-ended while driving someone else's car, will their vehicle still be covered by the other person's insurance?
    byu/ConsistentTough7407 inInsurance

    Posted by ConsistentTough7407

    1 Comment

    1. ConsistentTough7407 on

      also; i’ve already contacted the family! i called them as soon as it happened and they didn’t seem mad at all, just concerned for my safety & wanted to make sure both i and the girl who hit me were okay. the car took absolutely minimal damage, hers looked worse. mine has a scratch on the bumper, and the bumper doesn’t sit super flush under the light now, which i guess is from the accident and i’m going to assume it wasn’t like that before. but my old vehicle was rear-ended once(granted a lot harder, she pushed my car almost into oncoming traffic) and that time, it was $8,000 in repairs that i NEVER would’ve assumed the car needed. of course, i just want to be safe and assume the car needs work anyway

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