Got into an accident May 2024 with full coverage. After almost 2 month of repairs, i paid my deductible and had it fixed at this 5-star rated body shop. Well something felt strange and shaky. Took it to 2 dealerships and both said the driving shaft, steering rack and wheels is messed up and it’s unsafe to drive.

    So I called insurance, they said they will send me money to fix it. Which sounds strange. Well they sent me an $1100 check. I went to different body shops and dealerships and everyone said it will cost more than $1100.

    The body shop that messed it up is willing to “fix it” and they are wanting to bill the insurance again… I don’t trust them and I’m scared they will keep it in the shop for months again. What advice do you have for me? Should I go to small claims court? I’m open to any and all suggestions!

    Body shop messed up the car
    byu/crvmom99 inInsurance

    Posted by crvmom99

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