Have you ever tried/considered a Straddle for earnings?

    Or even a strangle near ATM? For example, FedEx was at $300, open $290p/$310c (9/27) cost $1500, turns to $3500 after earning's or $2k profit per set.

    That's 133% of original debt paid without even selling short legs, which would've given $130 in premium and reduced overall cost by nearly 10% if sold $260/$340 strikes turning into double diagonal.

    Building intrinsic value is the main goal, if there's a big IV crush there's still a week left and strikes pretty close to ATM, can turn into a vertical spread or close for probably 50% loss so can manage. However, after earning's one side should have a contract deep ITM presenting lots of intrinsic value.

    (Out of double calendars, double reverse diagonals, and double diagonals it seems double diags are best paying more upfront but creating a structure which can truly capture the earning's directional move acquiring intrinsic value.)

    Straddles/Double Diagonals For Earnings Any Veterans?
    byu/breakyourteethnow inoptions

    Posted by breakyourteethnow

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