misjudged a parking space like a total dumb dumb and scratched the front of my car. no structural damage but it would need to be repainted and possibly bumper replaced. doubt it would cost more than $1k

    question is – do i go thru insurance or pay out of pocket? there is no other driver involved in this situation. i have the money to pay out of pocket, and i dont want my insurance rate to go up, so what would be less expensive in the long run?

    Car scratches – out of pocket or insurance?
    byu/Its-Legion inInsurance

    Posted by Its-Legion


    1. MimosaQueen1122 on

      You answered your own question. You have the money out-of-pocket, and you don’t want your rates to go up. then handle out-of-pocket.

    2. Get an estimate first, compare it to your deductible, consider potential rate increase, then decide.

    3. If you have light fever, do you go to ER or just take some Tylenol and sleep it over a couple of days? Is this the kind of accident that requires you to use insurance that will pay something (after taking your deductible)?

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