Forbes has been hacked by Russian Troll farm – Or… They’re smoking something heavy – like meth

    Posted by Xtianus21


    1. This is the most God awful article I’ve ever read. They where better off putting that behind a paywall and I may have never read it.

    2. Forbes has been a clickbait content farm for over a decade now. It’s not a real publication anymore. It’s basically Seeking Alpha with less DD and a well known name.

    3. “BlackRock Reveals It’s Quietly Preparing For A $35 Trillion Federal Reserve Dollar Crisis With Bitcoin—Predicted To Spark A Sudden Price Boom”

    4. ScipioAfricanusMAJ on

      Usually when I need advise on how to live my life I first ask 4 year degree communication majors with a 3.1 GPA especially as it relates to health, medical, financial, or political advice 👍

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