The post I am trying to debunk:

    It has been proven time and time again that past performance is no guarantee for future predictions but yet we see a post that relies heavily on past data to predict doom and gloom. Bers, you really need to learn the lesson by now.

    Here's a refresher by Steve Cohen, one of the most successful hedge fund managers of all time: Predicting Market Downturns

    Debunking the post debunking the post debunking that markets are going to tank because the Fed started cutting rates myth
    byu/thechangboy inwallstreetbets

    Posted by thechangboy


    1. Looks like we got ourselves a good old-fashioned shitpost-off. When do we measure dongs? 🤏

    2. ImpressiveProgress43 on

      Good luck debunking probability. The labor market is very different from 2000, 2007 and 2020. This holiday season will be a good indicator either way.

    3. Talking_Duckling on

      If you want to know the market direction for sure, just get a fully leveraged exposure. It’ll go in the opposite direction. Always.

    4. Oh god it was just the “past performance” line wsb’ers learn the first week?

      This post is bear shit.

    5. Formal-Parfait6971 on

      Couldn’t be bothered to read any of it. The simple fact is that 10y-2y has reliable predicted recessions going back decades. It’s currently showing that we are no more than a few months away from one. Probably around Dec-Jan.

    6. Well. Shortterm yes we could go to 6000-6200 in the S&P 500 especially since it is an election year but above 6000 the air gets really, really thin.

      Also remember that the S&P 500 made 14.66% every year since the 2008 low.

      Since inception it made only 7.6%.

      Something has to give.

      We are an older nation. I saw somewhere that population growth is close to 0%. Our national debt is through the roof and quantitative easing causes inflation.

      Times are different.

      We will all make money but not by blindly calling everybody a gay bear who points out that times are indeed different.

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