The title basically says it. I was thinking about my own business for such a long time, constantly entertaining myself with different ideas. Now I have all the cards aligned it seems. The rent is covered, overall low risk, great location but I am so scared. I am even worried that I don’t want to do that at all. I don’t really know why I am writing this. Please share some experience and words of encouragement.

    Finally, I have a real opportunity to start a business and I am so scared
    byu/NoAdhesiveness4578 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by NoAdhesiveness4578


    1. You can fail doing something you hate, so you might as well take a chance doing something you enjoy.

      Fear means you understand risk. Be diligent, leverage the intelligence of your support network. Dont be afraid to ask for help.

      Ive failed more times than I can count, but the successes will drive you higher and higher if you focus on yourself and growing as a person in order to advance your business acumen.

      I don’t know what you plan to do, but I wish you the best of luck!

    2. I concur with the previous commenter. If you do try, you’ll find that even if you do fail it will be better than not trying. Treat everything that comes your way as an opportunity to reflect on what you did, and use that wisdom to improve in the future. Most importantly- don’t ever forget the reason WHY you’re doing this.

    3. Not sure if this helps but if I were you I’d buy a digital business which will bring you in passive income. There’s so many out there including SaaS, KDP, POD, blogs etc. I invested in an dropshipping business that wasn’t doing so well last year, and now it’s doing around $2k a month and still growing month by month based on me just using my initiative and skills to develop it. Best investment I’ve ever made tbh. I found it a much lesser risk than creating one from scratch and risking everything on something that might never take off because it was already a proven concept also might help with your anxiety over starting one.

    4. Ancient-Necessary568 on

      I’m In exactly the same boat. Super excited but also pretty scared. Fortune favours the bold and when opportunity knocks, you absolutely take it.

      Good luck – I hope it all goes brilliantly!

    5. It’s completely normal to feel scared when you’re about to take such a big step. Starting a business is a huge leap, and the fear is just a sign that you care deeply about it. Every successful business owner has felt exactly what you’re feeling now, so you’re not alone.

      The fact that you’ve got a solid foundation (low risk, covered rent, and a great location) puts you in a good position to take this chance. Try to focus on the fact that you’ve already done a lot of the hard work just getting to this point.

      Take small steps, and don’t expect perfection right away. Even if things don’t go exactly as planned, you’ll learn a ton along the way.

    6. I totally get where you’re coming from. I’ve been there with my own startups, and let me tell you, the fear is real, but so is the potential. Even with the anxiety, I never regretted jumping in because, win or lose, the experience is invaluable. You’ll learn so much and grow in ways you can’t even imagine. If the cards are aligned, trust yourself and take that step.

    7. seemokaynotokay on

      Just f*ing do it! What do you have to lose? If you fail, go back to work. If you succeed you will have no regrets about not doing it……

    8. Have you considered hiring a coach to help you through the process. Someone to walk you through the steps and hold you when you feel scared. It can make the experience so much easier.

      This is not something we offer BTW, just something I would suggest to any of our clients.

    9. In a year from now are you going to be happy you didn’t take the risk are you going to be happy if you’re in the same position don’t let yourself become too comfortable

    10. In a year from now are you going to be happy you didn’t take the risk are you going to be happy if you’re in the same position don’t let yourself become too comfortable

    11. WhisperingRidge on

      A lot of successful business owners felt the same fear when they started, but the key is taking that first step. You do not need to know everything right away—figure things out as you go, and trust yourself to adapt. Even if things don’t go exactly as planned, you will learn so much from the experience. Fear is normal, but it should not stop you from chasing something you have been thinking about for so long. You got this!

    12. It’s ok to be scared.

      And it’s ok to fail.

      As long as you use it to improve, you’ll thrive.

      You got this, give it your best try and let us know how you get on. 😁

    13. Only you have the insight to understand what decisions you’ll regret when you grow old and have even less time until death.
      Envision the paths of each decision, which path will your future self be more proud of?

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