If we all start with $50 and keep doubling on verticals, how many of us will be millionaires after 20 trading days?

    Hell, if you win the first one you can keep going with house money. If you lose the first one you lost $50 to be a part of a contest, game over.

    Anyone up for this challenge?

    If we have at least 500 interested we will organize it and if not we will table it.

    Up for a $50 to $??????? challenge?
    byu/10000trades inoptions

    Posted by 10000trades


    1. No-Investigator-9773 on

      And a few from 500 will reach $500 or even 3k and then lose it on the next bet. What’s the point of just losing money? Give the $50 to a homeless person then market makers

      Btw, If you make some popular YouTube videos that you found 500 dummies you can make some money

    2. Difficult-Resort7201 on

      Can we use other deltas than ATM?

      Can we leg into spreads?

      I’m down just want clarity on the rules before proceeding.

    3. Walk me through what you’re proposing? To do this daily, you’re talking 0DTEs on $50? How does this work?

    4. Count me in.

      Double every day, 20 trading days -> 52M.
      1M in 20 days doesn’t sound so bad 😉
      Or just get on with it and double 15 times in a single day…

      Why do I have a feeling I’ll be the only one out after the first day…lol

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