I was looking into playing costco earnings. Im pretty bearish shorterm but longterm im bullish. After costco announced their previous earnings they dropped for 4-5 weeks prior to the earnings announcement before recovering to all time highs. I was looking to put money into a OTM put at the 900$ strike price expiring oct 25 or nov 1. If the price drops below my strike ill look into purchasing a longterm call for around 1200$ strike expiring 2026.

    Would purchasing these calls be stupid as hell? Is there a better way to play costco earnings?

    Costco Earnings
    byu/moehoemed inoptions

    Posted by moehoemed


    1. Just invest the stock. Crazy premiums to gamble for me. It’s a good long term hold – just quite pricey for me.

    2. Tricky_Statistician on

      Buy the stock and sell covered calls OR do a put debit spread, something like buy 900p and sell 885p.. you should triple your money or so if it drops 4%. No way to make money on a 4% drop if you just buy naked puts. And it might be better to sell the covered calls if you can afford 100 shares of Costco.

    3. I don’t have enough money to buy ATM options on Costco and i don’t feel like gambling on options $40 OTM lol. I think it has favorable earnings though

    4. I would not gamble Costco

      And $1200 valuation no way… economic stuff it’s so expensive it might split and then where are you?

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