Hi there im currently working on a freelance contract with a company, im managing their social medias. They are paying me a fixed monthly rate to complete the work its completely remote apart from occasional shoots where i need to go to film content.

    They have asked me to come visit their factory for a tour and to get some content for socials too. However their factory is in Wales which is about 5 hours away by train and will £200 and then I will also have to pay for a hotel. Im new to freelancing but would it be unprofessional of me to ask them to cover the travel/hotel?

    Also ive been working there for about a month and 2 weeks and still not been paid I sent my first invoice but at the end of the first month but they said it can take up to 30 days to be paid, so honestly right now finances are tight and i really cant afford to go without going into my savings. Please help

    UK self employed being asked to travel
    byu/WrecklessPP inEntrepreneur

    Posted by WrecklessPP


    1. I understand what you mean but these 200pounds or whatever can bring you much more money in the future… see it as a kind of an invest to strengthen the relationship/partnership etc…

    2. OptimalOperations123 on

      It’s absolutely not unprofessional to ask them to cover travel and accommodation costs, especially since this trip is for their benefit. Most companies expect to cover such expenses, especially when the work is remote, and it’s part of gathering content for their business. Politely let them know that while you’re happy to visit the factory, you’d need your travel and hotel expenses covered. As for the delayed payment, follow up gently but firmly, mentioning that it’s been over the 30-day mark. Clear communication is key in freelancing, so don’t hesitate to set those expectations. You’re providing a valuable service, and it’s important you’re compensated fairly!

    3. I’m guessing the need to travel was not envisioned when agreeing on the scope of the project / contract… For future clients, bare this in mind.

      I think you need to muster up some courage and ask that travel costs be billable to the client.

      But before asking, think about how you want to respond / proceed if they say no.

      I.e. say it’s cost prohibitive for you, and suggest someone else inhouse collects the needed photo and video, and see how they respond

    4. SnooChickens7568 on

      See, if they are paying you good. Like above $1500 for managing social media, then you can see $200 as a operational cost. But if the pay is below $1000. Then your expenses will be 20-30% of the pay. You should surely ask them to cover. Also, drop a request to clear the invoice early as it’s the first invoice. For future invoices, 30 days shall be fine. But in Freelancing industry, 30 days is too much.

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