New to options. I have a four strategies i want to backtest as much further in the past as possible.

    Are there any free or paid software to accomplish this ? Are there any brokerage sites that allow this ?
    Please let me know.

    Is there a way to backtest a specific strategy
    byu/bl_you inoptions

    Posted by bl_you


    1. consciouscreentime on

      Tough question. Most free/cheap options are limited in historical data.

      For serious backtesting, you’ll likely need a paid platform or data feed. Thinkorswim (TD Ameritrade) is popular but has a learning curve. [QuantConnect]( is specifically for backtesting but more advanced.

      Honestly, if you’re new to options, focus on the basics first. Complex strategies can wait. Check out [Investopedia’s options course](

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