I'm trading on TOS platform 10-20 trades a day. I've been manually recording the trade data: date placed, lot size, ticker, expiration date, spread strikes prices, net premium received, sometimes breakeven etc

    I've found myself spending more time recording the trades into excel then I do trading. But the excel is very handy to go back and monitor/double check etc so I don't want to abandon it.

    Any ideas/software that can pull trading data from TOS live and export into PDF daily/live?

    Tracking Daily Trades- Excel?
    byu/REI_N_Options inoptions

    Posted by REI_N_Options


    1. I use TOS and Excel. A bit manual like you but am able to pull down data automatically including; entry date, days to expiration, delta, theta, stock price, strike price, days held. Then using Excel, open profit/loss, and others.
      Maybe not as automated as you’d like but it gets me there.

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