I’m 41 and after a varied career, I’m ready to fully dive into a more creative path. I’ve had a number of different jobs over the years, starting with working on climate change issues at a non-profit, focusing on marketing and knowledge management. I then spent five years in the coaching industry, learning a lot about emotional intelligence and female psychology.

    Now, I’m seriously considering moving into image consulting because I feel like I have the skills and strengths to bring something unique to the table. Im extremely creative, I love arts and I think visually. I have travelled extensively, lived on 3 continents and I know I could serve a specific niche. But there’s this nagging feeling that I need to “stay professional,” which, honestly, gives me the ick.

    Fuck it ! I don’t want to be just "professional." I want to be an artist. I want to draw sketches, play with colors to put together looks, choose the perfect perfume, and most importatly create an experience.

    So I guess my question is: How can I approach this new business in a way that fully leverages my strengths without falling into the trap of being too formal or boxed in?

    Any advice from those who’ve made the leap into a more creative field or anyone with experience in the creative industries/image consulting would be greatly appreciated!

    Shifting to a more creative path in my 40s
    byu/feminineflow-1983 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by feminineflow-1983

    1 Comment

    1. Reading your story really resonated with me. I’m a bit younger at [insert your age], but I’m also at a point where I feel stuck in my current situation. I’m not looking to shift into a creative field specifically, but like you, I’ve been working in a space that feels restrictive, and I’m feeling the weight of trying to make a leap into something that feels more *me*.

      I admire the fact that you’ve embraced your creativity and are looking to build something that aligns with who you are instead of conforming to expectations of “professionalism.” I’ve always believed that staying true to your passion is the key to real success, and it sounds like you’re on a powerful path toward that.

      You mentioned leveraging your strengths without falling into the formal trap—that’s something I’ve struggled with too in a different context. While your leap is toward image consulting and creativity, I’m grappling with how to find a business idea that aligns with my own strengths and interests. I’ve spent years working in roles that involve problem-solving and innovation, but it all feels so disconnected from what I actually want out of life.

      **Follow-up Question….**

      Do you have any advice for someone like me who’s stuck in a role that feels draining but doesn’t have a clear path forward? How did you start to pinpoint what you truly wanted to focus on, and what steps did you take to turn that feeling into a concrete plan? Any insights would be incredibly valuable as I try to figure out my next move.

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