Hey everyone. Not too long ago, a storm came by and partially knocked down a tree in my yard. It caused some property damage. The tree is still standing, but a HUGE part of it came down. The integrity of the tree is compromised and it needs to be cut down. Insurance doesn’t want to pay for the removal of the still standing portion of the tree, but they also said if the rest of the tree were to fall, they won’t cover the damage it causes.

    Are they just trying to get out of paying some money or are we actually alone in paying for the tree removal? Thank you for your time.

    EDIT: Lol calm down on the downvoting, I’m just asking questions here.

    HO insurance won’t pay for removal of tree after storm.
    byu/poopy-butt-boy inInsurance

    Posted by poopy-butt-boy


    1. ZenithRepairman on

      Read your policy. They usually have very limited coverage for trees.

      Most homeowners policies have like… $500? $1000? coverage for trees. There are significant exclusions regarding what is and isn’t covered. Usually the tree actually has to come down to be covered and/or actually hit something.

      I only work with commercial insurance now, so things are different, but you really need to read your physical policy to confirm what is and isn’t covered – but you’re probably coming out of pocket. Also probably not worth the claim either.

    2. That’s maintainence and part of the cost of owning a home. Insurance doesn’t cover maintainence. 

    3. There are policies that will cover higher limits of debris removal and ones that will cover debris removal even if no property damage. But, a tree that did not come down but should be cut down ( your remaining portion of the tree) is your responsibility. As others have said this is a maintenance issue. They will not cover the damage if the rest of the tree falls because you know that this must be done and if you have not taken care of it, than it is your negligence.

    4. You are actually alone in paying for tree removal.

      I have a two acre plot surrounded by dense woods, with at least a dozen trees on my property. My tree guy and I are on a first name basis. Every year, I have something for him to do – tree trimming, removal of trees that came down in a storm, etc.

      Never in a million years would it have occured to me that tree work was covered by my homeowner’s policy.

    5. >they also said if the rest of the tree were to fall, they won’t cover the damage it causes.

      That’s bullshit. Who’s telling you that?

    6. Pretend_Rooster8548 on

      Your policy will provide coverage for removal of the tree off the covered structure. This can be as high as the policy limit of that amount t is reasonable. Once the tree is on the ground there is a strict policy limit for removal of the debris. The debris removal limit also includes any portion of the tree that is still standing and stump grinding.

      A good adjuster who works for a good company will write it in a way that your deductible is also absorbed by the tree removal limit to lessen the impact on you.

      Any time a large tree falls there is significant out of pocket expense for the insured. It’s just the way insurance and policies work.

      Unfortunately there are a lot of tree removal companies that think insurance is an open checkbook and can do what ever they want after a storm. But the policy provides very strict limits on tree debris removal.

    7. Usually there is a specific limit in the policy and if there isn’t specific coverage generally we’ll pay for a chop and drop.

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