So for context – I live in the US, have a 4 year college degree from a good school, and experience in a few sales roles. Never stuck around to make a career out of it but did pretty well in a few of them, job hopped every 8 months or so due to various reasons but all stem back to hating the corporate world + hating having a boss.

    After my last job let me go due to shutting down all their offices in the US, gave reselling a go. Within 6 months, have so far jumped around a few business ideas until one finally hit. This month alone, with a partner of mine, we will bring in over 15,000 in profit which we split 50/50. I expect this continue for the next few months, this model seems pretty untapped and it should be ramping up as we hit Q4.

    The problem is, I'm not sure how sustainable this will be for the next few years. I am pretty confident that this type of reselling will work for at least a year or two, but it's really unclear how long it will be sustainable as many markets seem to ebb and flow (think shoe reselling). Also, given the quick ramp and lack of provability over 2-3 years/a longer time frame, I don't have much data to prove otherwise.

    I just got off the phone with my dad who urged me to try to give the corporate world a crack again as it's the much safer route and it'll be harder to restart my career if things do go south in a few years.

    While I do agree with him, I love being self-employed; I am motivated, my life is great right now, and I really really hate the idea of working for someone again. I have about 25k saved in the bank from previous jobs + this current reselling hustle; my living expenses are around 3,000 a month if I'm careful, if not about 4,000. And, as an added factor, I don't pay for health insurance just yet – will have to figure that out in about a year and a half.

    Obviously I have to make this decision myself but any advice here?

    Thanks 🙂

    Should I (M24) Go the Path of Self-Employed Or Too Risky?
    byu/Shot_Job1731 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by Shot_Job1731


    1. consider the enjoyment and freedom you’re experiencing now versus the security of a corporate job. sustainability is unsure but if you believe in potential growth, take calculated risks.

    2. Unlucky-Badger-4826 on

      Keep doing what you’re doing. You love it, and your life right now. So you’re on the best path FOR YOU, no one else.

    3. Intelligent-Ad-5438 on

      24 here brother, I’d say go for it were young enough to fuck up and redo over and over alot of times

    4. Why corporate job? Stability? No such thing. The start of your story was sharing how the corporation that employed you closed every office in the U.S.

      This opportunity seems to generate a decent amount of cash. Does it use a lot of cash too? What’s the take home after generating a 15k month?

    5. Nobody can tell you what to do, or what is best for you. But as someone who has transitioned from jobs to owning my own business, I have no regrets even through the struggles and stress and months I couldn’t pay all my bills.

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