So I bought SMCI puts this morning

    Posted by landhwere


    1. haha i was looking at 465 puts for like $100 and was telling myself to wait. went to look at spy and not even 5 mins later im looking at smci at 407 wtf lol


    2. I bought puts today before the drop as well but I sold them too early. Feeling sick doesn’t even begin to describe it

    3. I have to ask was this in your watch list and you were just monitoring it

      Or did you ah e insider information cause Jesus the timing is really great

      Tbh I knew I was going to see post but honestly expected it to be from people that bought puts earlier when the news first broke about their account month g ora gives being shady

    4. So is this your spider senses tingling that you decided to throw a dart that was deep out of the money and buy puts be the contrarian when the market’s running to the right you run to the left?

    5. I’ll let my wife know she can leave her bf with the dead grandma for you and your immensely large “intuition”

    6. Congrats but buying puts 30 out of the money with less than 2 days left was a gamble, not an investment. But still, congrats

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