About 2 months ago we had a storm come in and it had about 90mph straight winds tearing off my back covered porch and flipping it over the house.
    It did some damage to the roof and gutters which insurance gave a good number for. The covered porch on the other hand not so much. The cover was 16×30 and it was an all aluminum structure that was custom fit to the homes concrete slab.The structure was built fully screened in but we took the screens out to paint the back of the house and we have some destructive dogs.The cover used W-pan paneling and 3 aluminum supports. Long story short insurance only wants to give me like 1/8 of the cost to replace a structure like this. A simple aluminum structure that is comparable is minimum 40000$. They said my bids aren’t comparable or they are an upgrade to what was there. I have yet to deal with an issue like this but I would like to be able to not lose the value of the cover on my home as well. Any ideas of what to do?

    Covered porch claim
    byu/Cooljesus234 inInsurance

    Posted by Cooljesus234


    1. redditsuxdonkeyass on

      Was this structure attached to the house? Sounds like it but you can never be too sure…

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