I own a 2014 ram 1500 and I am paying 300 a month for liability through Geico. I am 22 with a 700 credit score and not even a parking ticket to my name. Allstate and progressive are quoting me similar numbers. Is there a better company to go through or is this just normal?

    Is it normal for me to be paying 300+ a month?
    byu/Littlewolf2k2 inInsurance

    Posted by Littlewolf2k2


    1. “normal” isn’t really a thing in insurance since there are like 42,000 zip codes (and insurance gets more specific than that) and innumerable coverage combinations and discounts

      $300 for a truck doesn’t raise an eyebrow for a young male, but it’s free to shop around for more quotes to see if you can save money . it only costs your time

    2. UnderstandingSea5688 on

      Big trucks can easily cause a lot of damage to others. So that doesn’t surprise me tbh.

    3. You’re young and you drive a large vehicle, it’s not surprising that insurance is expensive. Each company is going to have their target type of driver and it’s a black box so we can’t really steer you in a direction. I would certainly encourage you to connect with an insurance broker who can shop many different companies for you – it doesn’t cost you anything.

    4. Signal-Confusion-976 on

      Why don’t you go to a local insurance agency and get a quote. 300 hundred a month is very high even if you had full coverage. That would be like 3k a year. My 25 year old son is paying 770 bucks a year for full coverage on a ram 2500.

    5. Too young homie. They are going to wreck your pockets because other people your age wreck they’re rides

    6. Yep a 22 male. Even without tickets you’re gonna pay more cause they see young men as reckless drivers speeding. Even though it’s not always true it’s just unfortunate :/

    7. Capable-Cream-1648 on

      You’re being overcharged. I’m 20 (almost 21) and I pay $150 a month for full coverage with Geico and all my coverages are maxed out(except for having a high deductible for comprehensive). I also have a perfect record. The only thing that might skew my rate vs yours is I drive a ’02 Lexus IS300 so it’s not nearly as expensive to cover as a ’14 Ram 1500. Before I was paying $200 for liability with progressive and just like you, I knew that wasn’t right so I shopped around. Insurances love to overcharge and pray that you don’t notice. They also love to make it difficult to get a quote so you don’t feel inclined to get a quote elsewhere.

    8. Technical-Swimmer-70 on

      bro thats nuts. I have a 2019 Tundra TRD Pro and a 2017 VW GLI on full collision with my wife’s mazda 3 (liability) for $220. Im in a state known for especially high auto insurance too. That is a car payment all on its own for liability only.

    9. CommercialSpite3809 on

      Age and location play a huge r
      Part in that premium. Try State Farm. They have some youthful driver discounts. Steer Ckear for a clean driving record. And a good student discount if you’re still in school or a recent grad with a 3.0 or higher gpa.

    10. I’d have to know the area. But right now I couldn’t even quote you as they don’t want single males that are young. I’ve been doing this for 24 years and there is nothing normal in the insurance industry right now. It’s been a grueling hell for agents and customers. I don’t even write insurance anymore it’s all complaints. Feel bad for you but there aren’t many answers.

    11. You need to realize that there quite a million factors that affect your rate. Age,sex,zip code,type of vehicle and its features, use of the vehicle,miles driven,over history of your accidents and/or tickets,the overall history of claims in your area and the types of claims, who is living with you,who might have access to the vehicle, bundling discounts, your coverage limits and types of coverages,not your credit score but the insurance score the company assigns to you. I can’t name them all.

    12. I made a similar post a while back and got kinda roasted and basically felt like everyone was trying to reality check me…
      I live in MI I have progressive.
      I pay like 340 a month I have 250k pip and full coverage on my 08 Impala with a pretty good driving record (no points currently)
      It’s irritating AF
      Yet, if I buy a new vehicle and add that to my policy it would only be like an extra $150….

    13. Seems reasonable IMO. As everyone else has said, your age is being weighted much more heavily than your driving record. Insurance is based nearly entirely off statistics, and statistically a guy your age is much more likely to be involved in an accident than the average driver. Give it a few more years and stay accident free, and your rate should drop pretty significantly at 25. 

      With all of that said, you can reach out to a local independent insurance broker (as opposed to one company specifically), and they will ship your rate around with a bunch of different companies to see if you can save a bit. You may also be able to take a defensive driving class that would knock another little bit off as well. So that rate doesn’t seem too out of line, but you might still be able to do better with the above. 

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