I see post after post after post all mired in the same magical thinking. That somehow entrepreneurship is a secret shortcut to some make believe glitter lifestyle. That you can show up and drop some jargon and suddenly venture capital, watches and jets drop out of the sky.

    This is utter bullshit.

    If you are here for cars and watches, then go to Pinterest. This is business, not glam.

    The reality is that you need to know things, and do things, and a lot of that looks like hard work. If you think you're above that, you are probably going to fail, because you aren't. None of us are. Business doesn't care.

    I make an excellent living growing crops in dirt. All around me are people doing the same, and running a hundred other associated businesses. There are so many related things I could pursue to make money in this world I can't possibly chase them all. The opportunity I see amazes me. It's everywhere, at all times.

    But it only comes to those who will get their hands dirty, who have some sort of useful skill, and can deliver that, on time and budget.

    No software or buzzwords are going to replace this. And this is what drives me insane about this perception of entrepreneurship. That it's searching for the cheat code – instead of just doing the damn work.

    There is so, so much that needs done, and so much opportunity and money to be made. People to be helped, problems to be solved.

    I know guys who make $1M a year tarping hay for God's sakes. While all these wantrepreneurs are posting pics about cars and lifestyle, waiting on that angel investor, these guys are absolutely killing it, and no one even sees the opportunity they are riding to the moon.

    Open your eyes. Open your minds. Hard work is a prerequisite, do not fear it. Fearing it does not make you superior, it only isolates you while everyone else eats your lunch.

    Be the 1-800-HAY-TARP guy, not the idiot with rolexes on his Instagram and $17 in his checking account.

    Entrepreneurship is business, not lifestyle
    byu/Character_School_671 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by Character_School_671

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