Hey everyone.

    I won’t bore you with too many details. I’m a recent USMC veteran and I want to get serious about multiplying my wealth and eventually become a low-tier millionaire within 5 years.

    I’m in my early thirties, have three income streams amounting to $7k per month with no kids and low cost of living, and have a moderate level of financial literacy after having worked in the financial industry. I want to know where you personally started expanding your portfolio, how to meet mentors, where you invested your money and why, and what your ROI was.

    I know gratitude doesn’t pay the bills, but I want to say thanks ahead of time.

    How did you become a millionaire?
    byu/TallDarkAndHandsom3 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by TallDarkAndHandsom3


    1. Southern_Loquat_4450 on

      You need to gross more than 84k a year for starters. I only make 130k, and that doesn’t really allow us to put much away. If I was making that when I was 18, I might have had more of an opportunity to seriously build a roth or 401k or invest in property. Good luck, though!

    2. what sector of the Financial Industry did you work in? What part of the country do you live in? 7K is really not a lot if you live in CA..

    3. If you are looking to invest and work in startups check out New Venture Labs and look for ventures of interest to you. Each venture lists all the collaborator roles available such as developer, designer, marketer, etc. Most are seeking investment for development or product inventory or marketing. The ventures range from simple e-commerce to software to scientific. I see several financial services ventures listed.

    4. I took the skill sets that I built in sales and my curiosity for study and businesses that I worked in and understanding the marketplace in niches that they performed in.

      I focus primarily on small to medium businesses that I worked for that were family owned in industrial or commercial m. R o commodity parts type niches.

      I would find a weak point in the distribution or manufacturing for an item that was consumable like a brass fitting or a valve or something like that.

      I would then find manufacturers overseas that I can make the same quality or higher quality item at a fraction of the cost.And I would find the way to bring that to the marketplace for the business owners I work for.

      Over the years, in seven different industries, I made them tens of millions of dollars, and most of the time, the companies would be sold, and I would just be out of a job.

      In two thousand sixteen, my divorce started and I was at rock bottom, starting over in my mid thirties with nothing but a fifty thousand dollar year income living in a camper with no car, no phone, no computer and six kids.

      Met my girlfriend now wife and she heard my story and said that it was time for me to kick off the bottom and build something for myself.

      So I started looking at the place that I worked, which was a commercial truck repair shop, and one day when I was auditing parts that we used continuously month after month, I found a part that was only made in america. I researched the shit out of it, and I started reaching out to vendors to get pricing and being in the industry.I was able to say, “Hey, we pay that already.What do you guys pay? I got all the information I could, and then I researched factories until I found the factories that met my qualifications, and I started getting pricing and lead times.

      I put together my own sales flyers for these items.

      I knew not having any money to start. I would need at least five figures to cover the tooling and the die creation cost as well as the thirty thousand piece minimum order of each part.

      So I made twelve hundred cold calls to various commercial truck dealership groups across the country in some large shops.

      Eventually, I hit a large freightliner group that used a lot of the parts, and they had the warehouse space, and they were willing to buy six months’ worth of the parts at sixty percent discount. I took thirty percent up front and then the balance at bill of lading, about a hundred days later, because it took longer than usual because we had to create the tooling and manufacture and ship.

      My margins are so large that I made profit off the 30%, so it covered all of my costs. I was able to pad the order with ten thousand extra pieces of each for my own personal inventory, which I stored under my camper.

      I bought a scale from uline and some boxes and things. I started call calling mom and pop shops all over the country before work during my lunch break and after work and then packing orders late at night. I dropped the orders off on my lunch.Break the next day at the post office and I’d make more calls.

      Over the years, flipping inventory and growing, I slowly took over the entire niche for the commercial truck parts that I manufacture. The first 6 years were brutal. Even though we have very high net profit margins, a running a fast growing commodity business, where you’re the manufacturer is difficult because you’re not in the sales business you’re in the capital, an inventory business. Back orders are unacceptable because the customer will go somewhere else, and it’s really difficult to change their buying habits.

      Things have leveled out now in year eight.We still have some shocks to the system, but nothing that we can’t overcome, because now we have a war chest of capital.

      I’ve opened up a second niche of products that’s growing. We’ll probably sell the first snitch to a major player sometime soon. I plan on continuing to grow the second niche and eventually sell that to them as well. After I take their market share.

      I’ve been doing some special manufacturing products for random items. Mostly to document and show people that you can do this without knowledge of what the items are just basic research of the marketplace and basic research of the items themselves. I’m also building these new niches without any upfront money out of my pocket.

      Sell then buy

      At the end of the day, skills, pay the bills. If you have the skill set and the character, you can build anything to any level, as long as you persevere, and take massive action consistently, every single day with a plan.

      Are revenue numbers are in the eight figures and have been for the last three years. We double almost every year this year.We won’t break nine figures, but we’ll get damn close. Are net profit margins are above eighty percent. We are still first to market with the only imported version of this commercial truck part that is used on every truck on the planet and is consumable and pretty universal.

      We sell our products for about half of what the next competitor does. Even though ours are made with higher grade steel and have some modifications that are beneficial that we’re filing patents on. I don’t plan on enforcing the patents, but it adds an asset when we sell the company.

    5. Excellent-Map-5808 on

      In my city most people made millions through real estate – just fortunate timing and no skills needed. My sister paid $165,000 for her shack – it’s now worth closer to $3.5m

    6. real estate can be a good investment, though timing is key.

      think increasing income streams and diversifying investments; consider working from home to save costs.

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