They got me after 3 months. Spent $66k on it for 191K pts redeemed.

    Robinhood Gold CC finally closed
    byu/NegMech inCreditCards

    Posted by NegMech


    1. Hopefully this isn’t a case of a few ruining it for everyone. Sometimes, you have to navigate the system creatively, and I’m glad you got the cashback!

    2. Miserable-Result6702 on

      Makes perfect sense when you realize the card was designed as a loss leader and that’s it sole purpose was to get customers into their Gold program. It was never intended to be a long term value product and once internal sales numbers are reached, it will disappear or be severely nurfed.

    3. RH reverting to their (shitty) mean. Not surprised. Great job extracting some good value while it lasted though.

    4. I wonder what you bought. These posts come up every now and then and it’s usually people end up abusing their terms and conditions.

      What kind of transactions did you have? Did you buy things with the Robinhood card and then return to a different VISA? You mentioned at another comment you figured this would happen eventually. People with no reason to worry don’t cash out their points weekly to avoid losing value in case their account’s closed.

    5. Whenever a cc is shut down by an issuer, there’s usually a very good reason for it.
      Most people that make a posting about this happening to them are just seeking moral support for doing something totally wrong / abusive with the card.

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