If you had a 30-minute introduction call with an exited tech billionaire, what would you ask them?

    Why? I cold emailed a fella many of us are familiar with a little while back when I was in the pits of hell at work asking if he’d be willing to spare some time to chat…sure enough, he responded and we have a call early next week.

    I’m a SWE and have an MVP for an app—I’d love to share it with him, but I don’t want to seem like I’m asking for money—I’m not, I just want to have a connection and learn from this beast. But now that it’s getting down to it, I worry I’ll waste his time.

    What would y’all talk about?

    30 minute intro call with a billionaire
    byu/Pickleball_Digital inEntrepreneur

    Posted by Pickleball_Digital


    1. CadmusMaximus on

      There’s an old saying:

      If you want advice, ask for money.

      If you want money, ask for advice.

      Do with that what you will

    2. AltPerspective on

      Your app is probably garbage. I’d suggest doing your best to ingratiate yourself with him and be intelligent. It’ll pay off better than any pitch you could give him, he’s probably pitched shit daily

    3. I have Mark Cuban’s email address courtesy of MasterClass but haven’t pulled the trigger.

    4. SouthsideChitown on

      What exactly did you ask? 🤔

      I would ask them how they got started in building what they did and what they would do differently?
      and follow that up with, what are you lacking today or what did it cost you?

      I find those questions to be insightful and get to really learn from someone like that.

      Good luck!

    5. Major-unit-2024 on

      Here is your master plan:

      Assuming it’s a video call –

      1) Make a list of questions on a very large legal pad which will be used for your conversation (make sure the camera picks it up in the bottom of the frame).
      2) Draw a bunch of obscure, unrelated things in the middle of the pad to make it look cluttered.
      3) About 3/4 of the way down write “OFFERS” and retrace it with your pen multiple times so it is nice and bold – hard to miss.
      4) Make a list of names beneath that with massive sums of money next to it.
      5) Leave the pad on the table and go to the restroom.
      6) Get rich.
      7) Send everyone on this thread part of your winnings.

    6. I got to sit down with a billionaire once.

      I talked about stupid shit. I wish I would have just listened to how he got where he was. Would have served me well now.

      Still think of advice he gave me then. And that was directed to my own tiny baby problems at the time looking back.

    7. A lot of them just got lucky tho. It’s really more the sales experience that matter.

      You should instead focus on interviewing someone who has been selling/has been an entrepreneur for decades.

    8. Natural_Tea484 on

      Maybe I’m wrong, but as a tech guy, what I learned is that big money is not made necessarily because your product is good. And, what is big money anyway?
      You need to have business connections willing to join you. Directors. Managers. Sells people. A good product without business is useless, nobody buys it. The other way around is also true.

    9. nerdybutlowkeycute on

      If you’re already in contact with him just speak naturally.

      If you’re not, good luck. It’s possible to get billionaires attention, but because of how much money they have, the problem is that you will have lots of competition that are invested into trying to get their attention.

    10. I would simply ask why the need to be a billionaire and not “retire” after making 100m? I’m curious what makes you push it to have that amount of money

    11. funnysasquatch on

      You want to get their attention – show up to the call with a million dollars in orders for your MVP.

      A SWE with an MVP – is nothing. I have 3 MVP sitting on my laptop I built in the past year because I was bored. It’s what software engineers do.

      Software MVPs in 2024 are only relevant when they have revenue.

      But I think otherwise – they’re only taking this call because you’re local and they’re being a nice neighbor.

    12. A good framework for something like this, 90% of things that might be of interest or value to you are things you can get from other people — lawyers, angel/VC investors, decent entrepreneurs, corporate honchos and the rest are a dime a dozen and can tell you how to raise money, how to find a co-founder, how to make your first sales, all that kind of crap.

      Treat this person as a potentially unique, outlier sounding board for “top and bottom 5% questions and issues” — things you can’t get from those other folks, or that you can, but he will have a truly unique perspective on.

    13. https://youtu.be/rFfS2fsEiCI?si=Owg9x_6YcWUOa8WE

      Here… be authentic and never go under a decent level.

      I got to know many multi millionaires and billionaires, and when they started to annoy me sometimes, i always stood my ground and convinced them about me. I rejected some, and sometimes we tried some things, but i fact… i have my own way, and these hierachies are useless when someone really wants to help. The biggest billionaires, also mentally, always gave me some directions of inner work, and i have done it. Now im on my own way, building my own international empire and having some multi millionaires, asking me for advice. So there never is a fixed value, you know?

      For me, it helped earlier, when i had a much bigger project and responsibility than my own human being actually is. So i can’t flee or do stupid things. I also had a couple of years, waering suits nonstop to convince myself for change. After that years i had a random situation, my suits were all in wash and i was worried about my success and to my luck, this partner were very sensitive and i had success. I tried it a couple of times more and saw that im even stronger without the suit suddenly. Now, when i have a meeting with banks or other superficial institutions, im wearing a suit and have much more power. So i do it sleeping, i could say. And like above in a comment… It’s right… your individual being is important. About money, job skills, etc. This is all you can read in books. But interesting to a billionaire is what he can’t read in a book.

      Be aware that a billionaire is always a generalist. Just learning skills to be able to communicate with experts he needs for bringing his responsibilities into the world. It seems that they are specialists (millionaires are), but they can’t be specialists. You can’t have such a big spirit when you drown in datas. Billionaires need big special networks, and thats what they care about.

      Even negotiations are jobs for lawyers and specialists in analytics and statistics and much more. Billionaires have a life mission and try to communicate with you.

      For example, my poor family always said they are superficial and have no skills. The billionaires or millionaires they got to know were the same thing. Network focused. Of course, they can’t talk about these deep skills and experiences in special jobs. I think these are some total underrated information. I got it in my own way. Maybe that’s why not many people see that. Who is going to build up such things, you know? :/

      And maybe to calm you down a bit… there are more billionaires than the official numbers out there. When you see that big family offices or private equity firms, the universities and their supporters, the companies like blackrock, birkshire hattaway, the banks, the monarchs, the olligarchs, especially russians… you have so many of them… even associations and other organisations… so… when one or even 10 billionaires are not matching to you… dont worry.

      And be aware of your own power. It is a saying that 1% of all people in the world will match you 100%. That would be around 80 million people. And when you have a partner.. the same is for your partner… makes 160 million people. And now see how much people the biggest companies have… theres a ton of potential because they are mostly numbers focused, and this is falling apart with new generations, looking for ideologies and sense. And what could work better than a real spirit, matching to you, because you ARE? Nothing.

      So even billionaires do not fully use their potential because they are sometimes too focused on details. But that’s not wrong. I just wanted to show it up. Happieness and real fulfillment are like this. 🙂 It better have freedom and health than working too much.

      Have an awesome meeting! Greetings from Germany. 🙂

    14. I would ask him to be my mentor.

      Chances are he’ll say he’s too busy, then you can ask him to recommend someone else to mentor you..

    15. I would make the most of every moment. Don’t apologize, show appreciation. The worst thing is to sit with someone give them your time and half of it is dedicated to things I can’t help with. Be confident, they’re not above you, you’re both colleagues. Be excited about your product and sharing it with someone important.

    16. PsychologicalPast347 on

      Talk to them like they are normal, ask him questions where you can see his problem solving thinking and how he approached situations, try and get him talking lots and make him like you by asking personal and intelligent questions, offering your 2 cents is always great

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