So i just turned 18 and started a 9-5 job. I feel anxious all the time. It’s not a hard job (I work in storage with a forklift), but every night, I start to feel really stressed and can’t calm myself down. I constantly think about having to work again tomorrow. I feel like I can’t survive working 9-5. I’m trying, but I always feel anxious and depressed. I plan to start a business in the future, but I know I need to work for someone first. Do you have any advice on how to reduce anxiety while working 9-5?

    How to survive 9 to 5?
    byu/No-Position1827 inEntrepreneur

    Posted by No-Position1827


    1. At some point, you will adapt. The greatest entrepreneurs have the ability to handle more and more stress and it actually gets worse. You’re new to the work force and this is all new to you. In time, you will develop grit.

      Meditate. Work out. Eat well. Stay off social media.

      DM me if you want to chat. You will get there.

    2. sushionpizzas on

      Doing something relaxing or something you like in the evening is a must. Also a little trick is to have a nice treat for yourself in the morning that you can look forward to. Maximize the nice moments. Look for stuff you can make more enjoyable for yourself. Remember it’s about the small stuff that comes together into something big. Hang in there!

    3. It takes a while to adjust to having to work full time, and it’s natural for this adjustment to come with problems – it took me a few years before I was able to take work less seriously and not stress about it excessively. For me I think it was tied to a fear of letting people down or feeling my work was insufficient, and even though I logically didn’t care too much about my job, it was hard to not emotionally care (if that makes sense)

      If this problem persists though and is interfering with your general life I think some kind of counselling or therapy could be very helpful – at the very least it would do no harm! 

      I’ll warn you now that running a business can often be much more stressful than working a job (depends on the person, but you are totally reliant on yourself, your customers are relying on you, your team members are relying on you)

    4. You’re still young and still have a lot to learn about emotional control. When I was your age, I felt the same way and dreamed of starting a business because at least I’ll be my own boss and earn lots of money. Dreams are sometimes far from reality lol.

      My advice is to first identify what makes you anxious, then experiment on ways to alleviate that. There are lots of stressors in a workplace. Is it your boss, your workmates, or the work itself? If it’s the work itself, then maybe try a different field altogether. The world is your oyster!

    5. Suck it up, buttercup. That’s life. All joking aside, your generation has been conditioned to think working 40 hours a week is slavery to some billionaire, but I assure you it’s better than the alternative; working all day every day to grow/hunt your own food, build your own shelter, and die toothless at 40. My best suggestions are to (a) realize this job is just a stepping stone to build human capital (time management, working with others, learning hard work, etc.) and (b) realize that this is the time in your life where you start to learn what jobs/areas you really click or have passion for (at which point you start working toward that aim). You’ll be fine. Maybe join the military? Great pay, great education, great healthcare, great connections, great retirement pension/healthcare (and you can retire by the time you’re 38 if you join now). The world is your oyster – but you have to get over this anxiety of work. Maybe find other work that stresses you out less – but do some introspection to discover if this is particular to your current job or a personality flaw that you need to work on. Good luck, my man!

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