Those who scaled profitable 7 figure+ businesses? Was the initial investment regarding time and effort worth it to you? I just recently got into an accident that left me bed ridden for a week and i spiraled down the social media rabbit hole. Seeing people my age out living worldly lives. I won’t lie. Although I’m seeing progress it kinda makes me a bit sad depriving myself for futures sake. Guess it’s more of a vent but wanted to hear others opinion on the matter.

    Was the grind worth it?
    byu/RagieWagieInACagie inEntrepreneur

    Posted by RagieWagieInACagie


    1. Random_Curious_dude on

      It will be. Being a ln Entrepreneur is a high stakes long term game. High risk, higher reward. As Naval Ravikant says this is the best time to be an Entrepreneur. What is the worst which could happen if you fail? Go back to a job. But if you succeed, you will have the amount of wealth most can’t even fathom.

      Yes, it’s painful to see friends having fun. When I came full time to my first startup, had a tough time initially, financially still having to pay my student loans and hence having low savings. Raised a round but was drawing a bare min salary. Then the startup was acquired. Loans paid off within 1 day. Had a stress free trip to US. Bought some stuff related to my hobby and invested the rest. However, didn’t spend crazy amounts as I was not used to. Friends who had good salaries didn’t have that much amount saved up as they were spending more as well.

      You do need enough profits to pay the bills but rather than looking to a lavish lifestyle which might be paid by debt for many people, you are building equity.

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