1069 in savings

    562 in checking

    Looking for some way to make some income.

    I found a random youtube video with like less than 1000 views with what appear to be a genuine guy who barely spoke english talking about cold led generation. I talked to him and he gave me a step by step tutorial on how start a cold lead gen agency. It's not too difficult, about 200$ and 4 hours to setup a client, kinda runs on its own after that.

    Desperate, I followed his instructions (which included some software which wasn't his btw, this guy isnt sleezy) got two clients after a month. Yay the first thing in my life that worked! I chargeed 500/month per client offered a 60 day money-back guarantee (though I'm terrified of my clients refunding), make about 300$ in profit each month. I was told to charge higher but the low offer was to get early adopters and testimonials.

    All this while doing school. My expenses are rising. I work at as a delivery driver for mimimum wage to keep afloat. I just need the money man.

    Do I grow my little agency? It's at the point where if I put more money in I think more will come out, but I'm scared cuz I have so little income.

    Do I put my efforts in automating the agency, make it look valuable, then sell it?

    I have no one to go to for this stuff.

    Just started my first lil business yay, just need some guidance.
    byu/MoneyCrek inEntrepreneur

    Posted by MoneyCrek


    1. Background_Value_610 on

      Hi, okay so first things first:

      Be as frugal with your budget as possible. If you’d like to automate much of your business process consider free software. There’s bound to be some options depending on your circumstance.If you find yourself needing more specific assistance perhaps finding a developer would be helpful.

      Personally, I’m a bit unclear as to what specific problems you need to address. If for instance your issue was Email Marketing for instance then I could recommend a solution that would have you spending less than 15 dollars monthly yet provides you with the capacity to send up to 10000 email per month.

      If you could be more specific about the nature of business and the type of assistance you require that would be quite helpful and determining an efficient solution(s)

    2. Far-Practice-18 on

      Congrats on starting your first business—seriously, that’s a big deal! It sounds like you’ve stepped into the world of entrepreneurship with passion and hustle, and that’s a fantastic start. You’re already making $300 in profit, which is impressive! Listen, growing any business involves a little bit of risk, but it also holds the potential for great rewards. Since you’re still in school and juggling this with a delivery job, I’d say take it one step at a time.

      Consider focusing on getting more clients rather than charging more for now. The more clients you have, the more testimonials and experience you gain, which makes it easier to charge higher fees later. If your current arrangement is profitable and somewhat manageable, reinvesting a bit in marketing or maybe refining your service could attract more clients.

      Automation is super helpful if it means freeing up your time while still maintaining quality. See if there are small steps you can take toward that without spending a lot of cash. As for selling, keep it in your pocket as a future option. But for now, maybe just focus on growth and learning as much as you can through this experience. Keep up the great work, and remember, you’re doing amazing already!

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