I spent since the age of 18. Grinding my !@#$ off till now with no inheritance to get £30k saved and invested in dividend stocks I had researched myself (aviva, legal and general. BATS etc etc. )
But I blew it all on a stock I thought was gunna make a change for me. I am now turning 22. And have ruined my family’s chance at success and a more comfortable life.
Please don’t make the same mistake I did. So this is for anyone tempted to do the same. 😐
Posted by Miguel_SrDinheirinho
Really sorry this happened, but your not ruined. Your 22 and have plenty of time to recoup.
Learn from your mistakes, maybe take a safer approach going forward and you will recover again.
I have done the same thing a few times in different ways, it sucks really bad, but life goes on, and you will be a stronger person at the end of it.
stay vigilent and strong
Holding Nikola shares? Thats real fucked up shit. No wonder u belong here.
Just hold and pray brother
Most often stocks are going to go up in long term, that’s why most jobs offer a 401k. My advice is to keep holding for a few years. It may suck for a while looking at loss but if you’re genuinely concerned for your family’s future, keep it invested and I would take whatever liquid cash u don’t have a plan for and put it into an index fund like VOO or something that’s based off the s&p500. The more diverse your portfolio, the safer you are in the long run.
It’s only a lose if you sell!!!
GBP ay…looks like you really got POUNDED in the ass by Nikola…I’m sorry for your losses ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
Good thing it wasn’t wasted!
Canoo and Nikola are pure shit companies! Sorry for losing $$$$ but chin up and invest in quality companies!
Looking at your holdings, you didn’t seem like a dividend-investor to begin with …
You are 22, you wasted nothing, you have tons of time, pull yourself together and look forward. You still have more capital than probably 80% of your peers.
Well, well, well… Stock didnt change for you? Do two of you go angy to bed? Have you tried relationship counseling? Maybe you should invest more in her and she will change. Trust your gut, dont do research. She was never in that downhill truck commercial. She is gonna change for you, just keep following her
10k is nothing in the long term bro. Take it as a lesson and never buy dogshit like Nikola with their gravity powered trucks. Better you learn this lesson now than when you have 100k to burn.
Meanwhile SPY has increased 78% in the same timeframe, you belong here ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
17k in nikola? you invested after they were publicly known as a scam?
Have you considered getting a belt or trying suspenders?
I mean, -38% is child’s play on this sub. Just sell, cut that groaty bag, and put it in VOO
bro ure 22. You didnt ruin shit
So happy I lost a measly 5k when I started.
Four years later, I finally hit about $15/day in divs and bond yield.
Eventually, it will all go in my HAB retirement fund
You still haven’t sold though so you’re making the same mistake.
Why you people continue to play on stocks that has no future, I was burned before by one and never returning to this sort of trading.
You will find more valuable plays if you hold mid caps to large caps sticks