woah there brother, good stuff. you should start a monthly subscription service to help others reach your level of success (this is a paid astroturfing bot comment)
RichardUkinsuch on
Take those “thick ass gainz” when you can.
Southern_Cap_816 on
Did you behead a chicken for that scratch?
RequiemRomans on
You sold too soon paper hands
Chicagosox133 on
I thought you had to show your positions or you get banned…
Temporary-Guidance20 on
most credible gain chart this month
etzel1200 on
How’d you recover from -1 billion tho?
Noticeably98 on
I’ve been coaxed into a snafu
PusillanimousTuxedo on
Post positions or ban
PPizzaMonster on
Checks out to me
cruisin_urchin87 on
At least your not using Robinhood
SnooMarzipans902 on
Those swings must have been crazy! Teach me your ways
Let me in the discord /
iamnotlegendxx on
Prolly fake
Amdvoiceofreason on
Can’t lie, this made me laugh 😂
D1rtyH1ppy on
Roaring Titty?
NotASheepRB on
That is one of the finest, awesome charts ever.
Hour-Negotiation2597 on
You have my respect ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)
Genoblade1394 on
You are doing good kid, some day you’ll be up here with the big boys. Tell my momma I said hi
TheWestinghouse on
Macd: yes
Coonts on
Should’ve *pulled out*, holding that position will make you bankrupt.
Fun_Cauliflower_7296 on
Turn into a trillion
stockbetss on
Where do I sign up for the training course?
Take my money dammit !
Pin_ups on
Ok, upstairs bed time children.
WaitingForReplies on
Teach us your ways. Do you get more gains with blue or black ink?
Melodic_Fee5400 on
Typical wsb post
LowPhones on
She do be having strong paybacks and street strong cred tho
you forgot the part where you start a discord and beg for donations, not cuz you need money since you are a billionaire but just to make sure serious traders only.
flappypancaker on
BellTasty5643 on
It all looks legit until it trails off at the end at EXACTLY $1B. I don’t think this is a real trading chart.
**User Report**| | | |
**Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 2 weeks ago
**Total Comments** | 1 | **Previous Best DD** |
**Account Age** | 10 years | |
[**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)
Balls of steel! -1bn to +1bn 👏
1b or lb?!
Chart looks legit.
Idk, looks like a paper account to me
Them some nice Doritos!!!
woah there brother, good stuff. you should start a monthly subscription service to help others reach your level of success (this is a paid astroturfing bot comment)
Take those “thick ass gainz” when you can.
Did you behead a chicken for that scratch?
You sold too soon paper hands
I thought you had to show your positions or you get banned…
most credible gain chart this month
How’d you recover from -1 billion tho?
I’ve been coaxed into a snafu
Post positions or ban
Checks out to me
At least your not using Robinhood
Those swings must have been crazy! Teach me your ways
Let me in the discord /
Prolly fake
Can’t lie, this made me laugh 😂
Roaring Titty?
That is one of the finest, awesome charts ever.
You have my respect ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)
You are doing good kid, some day you’ll be up here with the big boys. Tell my momma I said hi
Macd: yes
Should’ve *pulled out*, holding that position will make you bankrupt.
Turn into a trillion
Where do I sign up for the training course?
Take my money dammit !
Ok, upstairs bed time children.
Teach us your ways. Do you get more gains with blue or black ink?
Typical wsb post
She do be having strong paybacks and street strong cred tho
you forgot the part where you start a discord and beg for donations, not cuz you need money since you are a billionaire but just to make sure serious traders only.
It all looks legit until it trails off at the end at EXACTLY $1B. I don’t think this is a real trading chart.