The Entire Stock Market vs Hoarding some Shiny Rocks – 20 years.

    Posted by vegaseller


    1. Ok but have you ever HELD one of those shiny rocks? I didn’t think so. There is a reason everyone wants it

    2. Pandemic crash = buy gold

      Inflation hedge = buy gold

      Geo political uncertainty = buy gold

      General uncertainty hedge = buy gold

      Financial anti-anxiety medication = buy gold

      Stock crash hedge = buy gold

      Stock crash happens = sell gold then buy gold

      Recession = sell gold then buy gold

      Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

    3. Basedandtendiepilled on

      People in this thread are very insecure about the fact their portfolios are getting cucked by a rock

    4. If gold is only a store of value and doesn’t actually appreciate, but shows depreciation of a currency like the dollar then the stock market is the same

    5. Until the day comes where we all devolve into tribes bartering for the last chicken in Denver, it’s a whole lot easier for me to make money and sell my imaginary share of McDonalds than it is to sell my real shiny rock at its full listed price. The harsh reality: Money is imaginary, gold is worthless, buy chickens. At least you can eat them.

    6. Honestly I’ve been buying jade carvings as presents for myself and others the last couple years. They do go up in value over time. They can be passed down. They’re incredibly beautiful & possibly a little spiritual. Durable art as well.

    7. Gold investors make buttcoiners look like 180 IQ investors. Unless you’re holding the physical metal, it’s just paper with a different name. I’d rather have the paper backed by the American military than some shiny metal.

    8. Congrats, you managed to find the one start point in the last 50 years where gold outperformed stocks. Even then it doesn’t because you didn’t add in dividend reinvestment.

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