Options are an addiction no different than any other drug. This was my gambling money (and some extra I added from my savings). I hope this graph does something for someone out there. Take the money and run if you ever win. I kept playing and learned my lesson. Uninstalling RH after taking what’s left. I will miss you guys, you were the best part of doing this.


    Posted by cesarondon


    1. Illustrious-Fox-7082 on

      The market returned just a little over +22% in the time it took you to lose that $9705.73.

    2. Sorry man. It’s definitely an addiction and this sub is the best part. Hope to see you later with much more resolve and discipline.

    3. Sorry for your losses. But I have to say, that I find it funny to read the word “investing” in every screenshot with >90% losses. It’s so sarcastic.

    4. Old_Cartoonist3930 on

      Bruh the same thing happened to me and I just made the money back by working. Just chill not a big loss.

    5. I am learning this the hard way friend, took a big hit today on my SPY calls. Finally understanding the necessity for trailing stop losses and risk management. I’m down 4k to date but I would never have learned what is necessary without these losses.

    6. It really is an addiction. I stopped trading for a while and got back into more secure investments

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