September, 2024
Algo Trading License
Middle east
Trying to find a profitable hedging strategy using options
SPX on ToS v. Schwab
Option Subscription
trying to understand this
Where can I download option chains?
Anyone use Schwab for Long Call options?
TSLA put option scenario?
Can you buy 50 shares and sell 50
Can you buy 50 shares and sell 50
$uvix $tsll $sqqq
Theta gang quant strat…
Hedging Vega exposure?
Option humor: I thought she was being cute with me, then I realized one of her wings is broken.
IWM leaps
Diving deeper into the numbers
Tracking options after you sell them.
Q about Options expiring 4/17/25
Nov. Marks One Year Since Starting Options, Not WSB Gains But Beating The Market.